We have two new members! Colette Felton is joining our lab as a graduate student and will be working on using long read sequencing to detect gene fusions in cancer datasets. Dennis Mulligan is also a graduate student and will be focusing on developing our new splicing analysis tool, MESA.
Month: April 2020
February 15, 2020: Amit joins the lab
We are so happy to introduce our new postdoc, Amit Behera! He joins the Brooks Lab after completing his PhD at JNCASR with Dr. Tapas K. Kundu. He will be working on our U2AF1 and splicing-associated chromatin regulator projects.
February 5, 2020: Our PCAWG paper is available
We collaborated with researchers in 37 countries on a massive study of over 2,600 whole cancer genomes. Our lab specifically investigated the relationship between alterations in the genome and transcriptome. Congrats to Cameron and Max for all of their contributions to this huge collaborative scientific feat. Angela is highlighted in the press release and you can watch the her in…