Alexis’s research on predicting the impact of gene variants with eVIP2 was accepted by STAR Protocols. eVIP2 should be much easier to run for everyone. Great job Alexis! UPDATE, SEP 7, 2022: The protocol is now available:
Author: jakutaga
June 2, 2022 – Alison wins the Long Prize in Experimental Engineering
Alison was selected to receive the 2021-2022 Long Prize in Experimental Engineering. This is awarded annually to the student who produces the best PhD dissertation in experimental engineering. Congrats Alison!
April 2, 2022 – LRGASP Registered Report was accepted-in-principle at Nature Methods
The LRGASP Registered Report was accepted-in-principle (AIP) at Nature Methods. We now have to complete the paper by this summer. Congratulations to Cindy, Amit, and Alison for their contributions and authorship to this study!
February 23, 2022 – Alison’s work published in Developmental Cell
Our collaboration with the Klein Lab at UCSF is out now in Developmental Cell. Great work team!
February 14, 2022 – Jon defended
Jon successfully defended of his work on using RNA-seq to detect somatic variants today. Congrats Jon!
December 12, 2021 – Alison defended
Our second graduate student, Alison, gave an amazing talk on her contributions to the fields of transcriptomics and cancer research. So proud!
November 29, 2021 – Robert heading off to 10X Genomics
Robert has accepted a position at 10X Genomics and is sadly leaving the lab. Best of luck on your next endeavor!
November 24, 2021 – Amit awarded a GAIN postdoc fellowship
Amit was awarded a GAIN postdoc fellowship to mentor CSUMB undergraduates for research. We will have two students this summer who will work with Amit to test the hypothesis that transcript rate is being altered by the U2AF1 S34F mutation and if this regulates alternative splicing. Congrats, Amit!
July 16, 2021 – Colette passed her qualifying exam
Colette passed! She now gets her own daruma doll.
June 28, 2021 – Congrats to our graduating undergrads
Congratulations to our graduating undergrads this year: Carlos Arevalo, Justin Chan, Swetha Vadde, and Ming Yu. Best of luck with your future endeavors!