Alexis successfully defended her thesis titled “Creating Transcriptomic Signatures for Interpretation of Cancer Variants and Characterization of Immune Cells”. Great work, Alexis!
Author: anbrooks
June 14, 2018: Angela named Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences
The $300,000 award over four years will be used toward better understanding how cancer mutations affect gene regulation. Read more here or check out the Pew Trusts Press Release.
April 1, 2017: Angela in The Scientist
Angela was featured in April 2017 issue of The Scientist as a scientist to watch!
January 11, 2017: New year post
Posting some old and new news: Our paper on the transcriptomic characterization of SF3B1 mutations in CLL was published in November and is featured on the cover of Cancer Cell [link] Our lab was awarded a grant from the Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group for our work on alternative splicing in cancer [link] Max Marin is awarded a Crown College Undergraduate…
August 8, 2016: New lab member and new paper
Alexis Thornton joins the lab as a Junior Specialist/Post-Bacc! She will be working on applying eVIP to study transcript variants. What is eVIP? Our paper with colleagues at the Broad on high-throughput approaches to functionally characterize cancer variants is now officially out as a featured article in Cancer Cell! A link to the manuscript: A link to Cancer Cell’s…
March 28, 2016: Website update
You may notice a lot of new faces in the lab.