Author: anbrooks

January 11, 2017: New year post

Posting some old and new news: Our paper on the transcriptomic characterization of SF3B1 mutations in CLL was published in November and is featured on the cover of Cancer Cell [link] Our lab was awarded a grant from the Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group for our work on alternative splicing in cancer [link] Max Marin is awarded a Crown College Undergraduate…

August 8, 2016: New lab member and new paper

Alexis Thornton joins the lab as a Junior Specialist/Post-Bacc! She will be working on applying eVIP to study transcript variants. What is eVIP? Our paper with colleagues at the Broad on high-throughput approaches to functionally characterize cancer variants is now officially out as a featured article in Cancer Cell! A link to the manuscript: A link to Cancer Cell’s…

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