Alexis gave a great talk on her proposed research centered on characterizing tumors using splicing signatures of immune cells today. Her thesis committee approved her proposal. Congrats Alexis!
Category: Uncategorized
May 1, 2020: Megan advanced
Megan gave a phenomenal third year talk on her ssCRISPR project and officially advanced to candidacy!
March 26, 2020: Colette and Dennis join the lab
We have two new members! Colette Felton is joining our lab as a graduate student and will be working on using long read sequencing to detect gene fusions in cancer datasets. Dennis Mulligan is also a graduate student and will be focusing on developing our new splicing analysis tool, MESA.
February 15, 2020: Amit joins the lab
We are so happy to introduce our new postdoc, Amit Behera! He joins the Brooks Lab after completing his PhD at JNCASR with Dr. Tapas K. Kundu. He will be working on our U2AF1 and splicing-associated chromatin regulator projects.
February 5, 2020: Our PCAWG paper is available
We collaborated with researchers in 37 countries on a massive study of over 2,600 whole cancer genomes. Our lab specifically investigated the relationship between alterations in the genome and transcriptome. Congrats to Cameron and Max for all of their contributions to this huge collaborative scientific feat. Angela is highlighted in the press release and you can watch the her in…
September 23, 2019: Alexis awarded a scholarship from the Bill H. James Foundation
The scholarship will help fund her project on developing a splice variant database. The Bill H. James Foundation supports aspiring African American engineering students. Congrats Alexis!
April 24, 2019: Angela received a New Investigator Award from the Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program
The $200,000 award from the TRDRP will support our studies on the impact of splicing factor mutations in lung cancer associated with tobacco exposure for 3 years. Thanks to Eva and Cameron for their key contributions to this proposal!
November 30, 2018: Matt and Carmelle selected for Koret Undergraduate Research Scholarships
Matt and Carmelle were both awarded Koret Undergraduate Research Scholarships. The funding will support Matt’s work on analyzing gene expression changes in the innate immune system and Carmelle’s project on discovering aberrant splicing biomarkers in cancer cells. Congratulations!
June 14, 2018: Angela named Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences
The $300,000 award over four years will be used toward better understanding how cancer mutations affect gene regulation. Read more here or check out the Pew Trusts Press Release.
May 25, 2018: Cameron awarded a Ford Foundation Fellowship
Cameron was awarded a fellowship in the 2018 Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs competition. The $72,000 fellowship over 3 years will support Cameron’s research on U2AF1 mutations in cancer.